Adullam works to ensure that tenants, residents and service users (TRS) are empowered and equipped to live independent, fulfilling lives.
Adullam has embedded asset-based approaches into its way of working, looking at the strengths people have, promoting independence through positive health and wellbeing activities, focus on building self-esteem, and developing coping strategies and networks. Coproduction is an important part of this.
Unlocking Potential
We have a successful, tried and tested “Unlocking Potential” model, developed over time with input from people who use our services though coproduction, which focuses on finding shared solutions. The model is based on developing working partnerships with stakeholders and agencies that can contribute to the journey each person is on, enabling engagement with services to provide on-going support, focusing on:
- Awareness of and access to services
- Suitable accommodation and support
- Reducing repeat homelessness
- Eliminating the need to sleep rough
Our approach to support is based on individual and community assets. We encourage clients to identify their strengths and personal assets including family, education, relationships, and experience, and to focus on successes as well as learning ways to cope with the individual difficulties they face.
Our coproduced Wellbeing Questionnaire provides TRS with an insight into their social networks, decision-making, resilience, problem-solving, self-esteem, and how they can improve their wellbeing. It informs development of their Personal Independence Plan (PIP). The Wellbeing Questionnaire is revisited regularly to measure and encourage success and respond flexibly to emerging needs.
Everyone has different needs and challenges. We use the GROW (Goal. Current Reality. Options [or obstacles]. Will [or way forward]) model of coaching to identify individual needs and then empower change, offering a wide range of options around housing, support and independence.
Coproduction basically means everyone connected with a project or service working together to do something.
Through coproduction Adullam wants to put emphasis on “lived experience”.
Key workers complete our asset-based assessment with each TRS to understand their strengths and goals, and plan achievement of positive resilience outcomes, recovery, risk management, re-skilling, enhanced wellbeing, and positive exit from services.
Targets are agreed at the start of the year and there is a report at the end of the year showing how well we have met the targets.
Every three months there are reports from regions and areas showing the Operations Committee what has been done.
We use an outside organisation to do an annual review.